We provide a bespoke, quality solicitor service

Residential Property

Buying or selling a house or flat? Congratulations! Moving is an exciting and often stressful time. We can guide you through the process and aim to make your move go as quickly and as smoothly as possible. Rest assured that your transaction will be dealt with by experienced conveyancing lawyers.

We can help with:

  • Buying and selling property
  • Estate management
  • Transfers between joint owners
  • Re-mortgages
  • Lease extensions
  • New builds
  • Enfranchisement/Purchase of Freeholds

Commercial Property

Buying, selling or leasing commercial property? Come and see us and we will be able to advise you on progressing your matter as smoothly and quickly as possible. We understand your commercial needs.

We can help with:

  • Commercial property sales and purchases
  • Development/Option agreements
  • New leases
  • Estate development and plot sales
  • Buy to let properties
  • Leases
  • Sale and leaseback
  • Sales and purchases
  • Land Purchases

Lasting Power of Attorney

The Lasting Power of Attorney (otherwise known as LPA) was introduced on the 1st October 2007. It is a very important legal document that allows you to appoint someone to deal with your affairs should you be unable to do so. Sadly, incapacity can strike at any time, whether it be a stroke or accident, old age, illness etc. Circumstances can change very quickly and it is critical to do the LPA when you have the mental capacity to understand the legal process. In order to use the LPA, it must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian, which can take six weeks (or even longer). This is why it is so important to register them as soon as possible.

The Lasting Power of Attorney can be used to provide stability for your family when you are out of action for whatever reason. For example, if there was a terrible accident and the main breadwinner in the family was incapacitated for a long period of time the spouse would have to apply to the Court of Protection to access that person’s bank account. This can be time consuming and a very long-winded process during an already difficult and upsetting time.

Making an LPA gives you peace of mind that a close relative or person you trust will represent you and carry out your wishes should you be unable to do so.

There are two types of powers:

  • A health and welfare allows the person you nominate to deal with your affairs to make decisions relating to the use or refusal of treatment, along with the general health and welfare of the Donor
  • A property and financial affairs allows the person you nominate to deal with your affairs to make decisions relating to the financial well-being of you, such as bank accounts, payment of bills, sale of property etc.

The new LPAs are much longer documents than the old Enduring Powers of Attorney. This is because the person giving the power (‘the Donor’) has far greater choices, for example:

  • the Donor can appoint a replacement attorney to act if an original attorney can no longer do so;
  • restrictions and conditions can be placed on the attorney
  • the Donor is able to give guidance to his attorney about matters he would wish considered when decisions are made
  • the Donor can nominate who they would like to be notified of registration of the LPA

Another major difference with the new LPAs is that there is a requirement for a Certificate Provider. This is a person who has to certify that the Donor understands the purpose of the LPA, the extent of the authority they are giving to the attorney and that the Donor is not being influenced or pressurised into giving the Lasting Power of Attorney.

Certificate Providers are people who have either known the Donor personally for a minimum period of 2 years, or someone chosen by the Donor who has the relevant professional skills and expertise to certify the LPA, e.g. a solicitor or a doctor.

Attorneys under Lasting Power of Attorneys are under an obligation to act in accordance with the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and to have regard to the Act’s Code of Practice. The objective of the new legislation is to be supportive and enabling, so that attorneys should always try to encourage their Donor to make and/or participate in decision-making whenever possible.

The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has prepared guides that are essential reading for people considering making an LPA and for their proposed attorneys. Due to the length and greater complexity of LPAs, they are inevitably more expensive to prepare than Enduring Power of Attorney (EPAs).

The new legislation means that the previous type of power of attorney EPA can no longer be created. However, existing EPAs, ie those granted before 1st October 2007, will continue to be effective.

However, unlike EPAs, Lasting Powers of Attorney must be registered with the OPG before an attorney has power to act and there is a Court fee payable for the registration.

Wills and Probate

If you die without a will, the law decides what happens to your estate, not you. We can ensure that should you die, your property possessions and assets are dealt with in accordance with your wishes. Do not delay – come and meet with us to discuss your requirements. Alternatively, we are happy to come to your home or to hospital. Make decisions now to avoid disputes and misunderstandings in the future.

If you have recently lost a loved one, please come and see us. We are sensitive and compassionate and can take the estate administration from you to deal with during this difficult and often overwhelming time. We can also provide practical advice..

We can help with:

  • Wills
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Living wills
  • Trusts
  • Court of Protection
  • Estate administration & probate
  • Grants of Representation
  • Deeds of Variation
  • Resolving disputes concerning wills & estates

Pricing : Probate

Landlord and Tenant

Lease Extensions

Is your lease getting short e.g. 70-80 years or less to run on the remaining lease term?

The amount of time left to run on your lease can significantly affect the value of your property. The sooner the lease is due to expire, the less the property is worth and the more it can cost to extend. If you are buying and the lease has 80 years or less to run then you should be negotiating for the seller to extend the lease as part of the purchase price you are willing to pay for the property.

We provide an efficient and experienced service for lease extensions helping you to successfully either process an agreed extension or negotiate with the freeholder whilst at the same time following the necessary statutory procedure.